Hello! My name is Sr. Sidonie…and I would like to share with you a little bit about myself. I am the daughter of two pioneers and in my veins I inherited this pure blood of adventure, boldness, fieriness and tenacity. From my father’s side, my immediate ancestors come from France. From my mother’s side, my immediate ancestors come from England.

God’s call for me to religious life took a strong grip in my life during a Christmas party of young teenagers gathered together to celebrate, sing and dance…a very joyful party, which continued somewhat after midnight. On our way back home, were still having fun in our big bobsled when suddenly, the sky became illuminated with thousands of POLAR LIGHTS. They sparkled with joy, they danced in frenzy, just to disappear a second later into a glow of wonder!

An eloquent symbol written in the sky, seemingly, just for me! As I gazed at the speed of these NORTHERN LIGHTS, I realised that my life was to pass as quickly, just like a flash, and right on spot, I felt a deep desire to consecrate my life to Jesus Christ. I was eighteen. In February, 1940, I took the decision to join the Sisters of the Presentation of Mary, an Apostolic Order.

BY A SIMPLE YES: With God’s divine grace, I committed myself to follow Christ, through the three vows of chastity, poverty and obedience. Shortly after my profession, I became a teacher, ready to set hearts afire with knowledge, but especially with the spreading of the Good News of Christ.

BY A SIMPLE YES: With the request of my superiors and with my personal consent, I was sent abroad, crossing frontiers, becoming somewhat a GLOBAL TROTTER, always for the same purpose : the spreading of the Good news in a life of love and service.

BY A SIMPLE YES: this authentic YES was always my ambition, but I must admit in all honesty, that my life has not always been a success. I met with struggles, with failures and trials! But I know that if I am here today, if I pulled through the shocks of life, it is through God’s sheer fidelity and through his very GRACIOUS MERCY sustaining my fragility at all times.

BY A SIMPLE YES: upon my retirement I am now spending my days in humble tasks and I fulfilling precious time through hours of ADORATION AND SUPPLICATION for the needs of the Church and our world. I AM VERY HAPPY!