It was with gratitude and great joy that on Friday, September 14th, 2018 the Roman Catholic Diocese of Prince Albert, Deanery One, had a clergy and religious Appreciation Day at St. Joseph Church. The day was organized by a planning committee of lay people of P.A. Many priests, deacons, and Sisters of The Presentation of Mary, Daughters of Providence and one Sister of Mission Service were present.
The Eucharistic celebration started with a procession of Knight of Columbus, Catholic Women’s League, altar Servers, his Excellency Bishop Albert Thevenot, M.Afr., Bishop Emeritus Blaise Morand and Deanery One clergy as the choir sang the hymn, “Praise the Lord”. The readings of the Mass were chosen from the liturgical feast of “The Exaltation of the Holy Cross”.
In his homily Bishop Thevenot reminded us that we all have to carry our cross daily and to carry it with Love in our heart if we want to follow Christ and be his disciple. Look to Christ crucified on the cross. Exalt the cross in your life. ‘God so loved the world that he gave us his only Son’.
At the end of the celebration, the guests were all invited to the well decorated hall for a delicious, festive banquet and program which was led by Mr. Mitch Holash, m.c. To honor the special guests there were Tributes, Power Points and Presentations.
The day concluded with a prayer led by Sister Lise Paquette, p.m.
This was truly an appreciation and thanksgiving day for all!