November 28th – December 4th, 2018
Prince Albert, Sask. Canada
With open arms and with great joy the Sisters of the Presentation of Mary of the Prince Albert Province, heartily welcomed for the first time; Mother General, Maria Dos Anjos Alves and her two councilors, Sister Claudette Casavant and Sister Louise Benoît from Castelgandolfo, Italy.
They experienced the vastness, open prairies of our province and the cold winter snow. They visited a few of the Senior P.M. houses in the province to get acquainted with the Sisters in their new reality. All in all, they experienced hospitality and observed to what extent the spirit of Mother Rivier, their foundress, was kept alive with the flame of hope to make Jesus Christ known and loved.
During the week, prayerful moments and conferences were held underlining the importance of the Rule of Life which urges us to follow, live, reveal Jesus Christ and to act with His spirit.
Monday was a day of jubilee, a day of rejoicing! The Eucharist was first celebrated by the bishop of Prince Albert; Albert Thevenot M.Afr. Then during a refreshed and prayerful liturgy nurtured by the Word, the Sisters received from the hands of Mother General, their newly revised Rule of Life, which is the Word of God for us. What an unforgettable favorable moment this was! In gratitude, Mary’s Magnificat was sung.
We look at the past with gratitude and new changes are proposed to adapt us to the changing world and to the needs of “today’s society”. Our Rule of Life enlightens and challenges us to make this happen, giving us the privilege to express how we may fulfill our call to serve and evangelize.
The day ended with the presentation of gifts and a festive banquet.
The next day, it was with much affection that we blessed and bid goodbye to Mother Maria Dos Anjos and Sister Louise. We are indeed very grateful for their encouragement and their words of wisdom. We have the joy of having Sister Claudette, one of our Province, with us for a few weeks.
“All praise, glory and honor, to you God of great love”.