We would like to wish a happy feast day to all the Sisters of the Presentation of Mary, their Associates, students and consecrated laity and to all those who have been touched in one way or another by Blessed Marie Rivier. (FOUNDRESS OF THE SISTERS OF THE PRESENTATION OF MARY) We remain in profound communion with you as you continue to live the spirit of Blessed Marie Rivier, her passion and love for Jesus Christ and his Mother Mary, the Church, the Eucharist, the Cross, the Beatitudes, the Poor, the children and the youth. May you continue to make Jesus Christ known and loved in your milieu.
Blessed Mother Rivier was born in Montpezat, France, on December 19th 1768, on this day we celebrated the 250th anniversary of her birth and baptism. She died on February 3rd, 1838.
As a child she was healed by the Blessed Virgin Mary and developed a passionate love for Mary and Jesus, rooting her life by living the Word of God in her everyday life.
During her life in France, she founded our P.M. Congregation and opened 141 schools. The sisters have a common mission to educate young children and the youth. Blessed Mother Rivier once said. “I would like to have a thousand lives to make known Jesus Christ.”
This year we received our new Revised Rule of Life from the hands of our Superior General, Mother Maria Dos Anjos from Castel, Italy. The Revised Rule gives us an incentive to reflect and use it for our personal renewal.
2021 will be a special year as we celebrate the 225th Anniversary of the Foundation of the Presentation of Mary Congregation.
“Learn from Jesus Christ to walk in the Presence of God and to be nourished with the bread of his divine will.” Mother Rivier