As we prepare to celebrate THE CENTRAL mystery of our faith, – the Resurrection – we take time to re-organize our life, to look into our relationship with God, with others, with creation. What are the “broken” areas of our life?
Ashes are a reminder of our place in creation. God’s love and care infuses us with life and being. All too easily, we try to find our place on our own. We turn away from our source of life and being. In the coming days, we will “work the ground”, tilling the soil to allow God to enter into our emptiness, our brokenness, he who emptied himself to become flesh like us in the person of Christ.
The Church suggests three tools for tilling this garden of our being: Prayer, Fasting and Almsgiving. They allow us to focus more on our relationship with God and the whole of creation.
Prayer allows us to deepen our relationship with God.
Fasting gives strength for any struggles we may encounter.
Almsgiving (charitable giving to the poor) is a means of connecting with those less fortunate than us.