
“All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other languages, as the Spirit gave them ability.” (cf. Acts 2.1-11) 

After the Ascension the disciples spent much time in the temple blessing God.  They remained faithful to their Jewish traditions and festivals.  On the fiftieth day after Passover, (the day of Jesus’ Resurrection) they had gathered in one place for the feast of Pentecost, to celebrate the wheat harvest. It was also a celebration of the revelation of the Torah by God to Moses and the Israelites at Mount Sinai, 7 weeks after the Exodus from Egypt. 

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Suddenly, the house was filled with “a sound like the rush of a violent wind”.  Then, divided tongues, as of fire rested on each of them. This was the visible manifestation of the Spirit which Jesus had promised to send them.  Luke continues, “all of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak . . . as the Spirit gave them ability.” (cf. Acts 2.1-11)

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So out and about they went, proclaiming the Good News of the coming of the Kingdom of God.  Everyone listened, amazed to be able to understand them in their own languages – they came from all over! And the rest, as they say, is history!

We continue today to live out this history of the Good News to spread over all the earth.  We don’t hear the sound of a violent wind, or see tongues of fire resting on our heads, but the energy of the wind, the power of the Spirit is within each one of us to welcome and proclaim to the whole world that God’s Spirit of love is alive and well.  God just needs each one of us to spread his love to each person in the world.   God’s Spirit needs us to set fire to the world….

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Submitted by Sr. Janice Fournier, pm