“The Heart of Jesus, the human Heart of God made man, is set on fire by the “living flame” of the Love of the Trinity which is never extinguished. St. John Paul II
Jesus’ Death, Resurrection and Ascension, and the Descent of Holy Spirit: this wonderful series of celebrations keeps us in touch with the very roots of our Christian faith! These feasts reveal to us that the Trinity is at the heart of it all. When Jesus came, he spoke often and lovingly of the Father, and sent the Spirit to help the disciples on this new path of knowing who they really were.
Trinity Sunday provides us a moment to bring it all together: the whole of the Jewish Scriptures has given us glimpses of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. However, these were just that – glimpses; and glimpses are fleeting – we hardly remember we saw anything.
In the New Testament, we don’t hear the word “Trinity” but it is all there “All that the Father has is mine. For this reason I said that he will take what is mine and declare it to you.” (John 16.15)
Jesus revealed the relationship which is the Trinity, and brought the good news that this relationship is all about love. The relationship within the Trinity is so powerful, so passionate, that this love simply must share itself. Creation is this sharing, which is also a mutual sharing – not just God giving love, but also Creation returning that love every minute….and so the dance of Love continues.
We celebrate today the 100th anniversary of Father’s Day in America. Sonora Smart Dodd of Spokane, Washington, after listening to a sermon on Mother’s Day, was inspired to plan a day to honor fathers. Dodd was one of six children raised by her single father and thought fathers should be honored the same way as mothers. The idea eventually became a national day in the United States as well as other countries on the third Sunday in June. We not only honor fathers, but celebrate fatherhood, paternal bonds, and the influence of fathers in society.
Trinity Sunday is a fitting day on which to celebrate Father’s Day. The relationship of Father, Son and Holy Spirit is a model for what fathers stand for….. It is a relationship of total giving and receiving: total giving of self in love and total receiving of love from the loved ones. The Trinity in us and in creation makes possible this never-ending relationship. May all fathers (and mothers…) be open to receiving this gift of relationship.