O Canada …..God keep our land Glorious and free
This year we celebrate Canada’s 152nd birthday and the singing of our national anthem has a very special meaning. Sung in French and English and in a bilingual version it is a reminder that we form a country with a great history.
On July 1, 1867, four regions of British North America – Upper Canada (Ontario), Lower Canada (Québec), Nova Scotia and New Brunswick – signed the British North America Act, creating a new country named Canada. Canada remained a member of the British Commonwealth, but with more independence and a greater say in political affairs. Over the years, more regions were added, creating the country which today stretches from sea to sea.
The Constitution Act replaced the British North America Act in 1982, and Canada became officially and completely independent from Britain. A celebration on July 1 called Dominion Day was re-named Canada Day.
The year’s biggest national party is celebrated all across the country and even oversees wherever Canadians find themselves. The now familiar white-and-red Maple leaf flag is displayed all over and “O Canada” is sung with enthusiasm and pride. Parades are held in many cities and towns. Fireworks abound! Picnics, festivals, sporting events, and other get-togethers celebrate the nation to which we all belong. The communications media greatly contribute to this sense of unity, to the patriotism we all feel.
Many blessings this summer!