Prince Albert Sask.
September 10th, 2019
We bid our fraternal farewell to Sister Hilda Simard, Presentation of Mary. Sister arrived in Canada in July from Peru. She has been there for 47 years; being the assistant to the Regional Superior she still has time to be involved in education and doing pastoral work. While in her mission, she have drawn many people closer to Jesus as she spread the good News in her milieu, reaching to those who desperatally needed Jesus.
Before she left Canada, she spent some time with her family in St. Lazare Manitoba; she had the opportunity to share her life, spirituality and her missionary work with them and also with us. We were enriched by her words of wisdom by sharing the culture of the Peruvians.
We joyfully give praise to the Lord for her presence in our midst during these weeks with us.
We wish her a safe return home to Peru and to continue to evangelize and spread the charism of Mother Rivier and “to make Jesus Christ known and loved everywhere. “