Blessed Virgin Mary went out to visit her cousin Elizabeth who was pregnant. Mary thought she would need help at this time, as Mary was pregnant with Jesus and Elizabeth with John. When Mary met and greeted her cousin Elizabeth, her baby John leapt for joy. Then Elizabeth said ’Blessed art you among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb’, and then Mary answered with the canticle of praise of the ‘Magnificat’.
My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord,
and my spirit exults in God my Savior,
because he has looked upon his servant.
Yes from this day forward all generations will call me blessed,
for the Almighty has done great things for me
St. Luke 1; 46
Let us meditate on God’s mercy and thank him for what he did in Mary as well as for what He has done for each one of us. Let us all be capable of bearing Christ to others and taste God’s presence in us.
On Saturday, May 30th, on the eve of Pentecost Sunday, let us join Pope Francis who will lead the Rosary in the Vatican Gardens to Invoke Mary’s ‘Aid in Pandemic’ & ‘Entrust All Humanity to the Lord’.
“It will be a moment of world prayer,” the Vatican explains. “The Holy Father will put at Mary’s feet the many anxieties and sorrows of humanity, further aggravated by the spread of COVID-19.”
Some women and men, representing various groups of people particularly touched by the virus, will recite the decades.