Prince Albert, Canada,
June 5th, 2020
The Sisters wished a hearty welcome to Sister April who arrived in Prince Albert, SK. on Friday, June 5th from Castel Gandolfo, Italy.
On September 20, 2019, Sr. April flew from Regina, SK to Dakar, Sénégal where she participated in a Renewal Program for Final Vows with our Sisters Presentation of Mary.
On February 24th, 2020, the group of younger sisters flew from Dakar to Rome so as to continue their Renewal Program for Religious at the General Administration House in Castel Gandolfo, Italy. Because of COVID 19, she was unable to visit the Vatican and other Sites. Part of her program was to return to our Foundation Site in France but that was also canceled because of isolation requirements.
Following 14 days of quarantine, Sister April will be returning to her regular nursing ministry in Regina. It will give her time to rest from the jet lag of an uneventful flight from Rome to Saskatoon.
Sister April experienced our International Community in a unique situation of lock down while in Italy. All of this made her grow in wonder and gratitude for the strength, faith and confidence of Marie Rivier, our Foundress and her successors. We have a great family story to commemorate and continue to build!
Sister April, we are glad to have you back with us.