If our Blessed Marie Rivier were alive, she would share with Pope Francis a common interest very dear to Jesus’ heart…His love for the poor, the sick, the elderly, the lonely and the marginalized excluded from mainstream society.
As members of the Presentation of Mary, we have been called to form community and sent to make Jesus Christ known and loved. One way that the Prince Albert Sisters do this is by ministering to the sick and the elderly.
As a registered nurse, our Sister Evelyn Nedelec works full time extending compassionate care to the residents of Pineview Terrace Care Home.
Sister Evelyn has been blessed with a gentle nature and the spiritual gifts of kindness, compassion and empathy. We greatly admire her dedication and commitment to her profession. National Nursing Week, May 11- 17, was a wonderful opportunity for us to express our appreciation for her work on a regular basis, but especially during the Coronavirus pandemic which is still often adding many extra hours of relentless work to her regular schedule. And we did not let Covid-19 prevent us from alsoextending our gratitude to the nurses and care-givers at our Infirmary. We joyfully went to the windows of their residence with posters that spoke loudly of our appreciation for their steadfast dedication to our dear Sisters who are gratefully receiving daily tender loving care.
A few of us have accepted the ministry of helping with Sunday mass liturgy and also distributing communion privately in the hospital and care homes as a way of reaching out to the sick and elderly.
Most of us find time and energy to visit the local hospital and several care homes, especially Mont Saint Joseph Care Home where we have a few of our Sisters. Their birthdays and special feast days have gathered us as a group to celebrate together. Their joy and expressions of gratitude are tangible proof that our visits are greatly appreciated.
It was with much sadness that we could not visit anyone during three months of major restrictions due to the pandemic, but we did some ‘’visitations’’ through the windows with the help of posters to transmit our love and best wishes. The exchange of smiles and sign language was therapeutic to everyone involved!
We do not know what the future has in store for the sick, the elderly and for each one of us, but trusting in Divine Providence we can sing with John Michael Talbot:
{gallery}Journey 33-34:::0:0::Elegant{/gallery}
We are one body, one body in Christ;
And we do not stand alone.
We are one body, one body in Christ;
And He came that we might have life.