The beginning of autumn is Tuesday, September 22, 2020.
This year, autumn has acquired a different flavor. We are reminded that life is constantly in change, despite external circumstances. We would have liked to experience more “true” summer days, but this summer has been different from other summers because of the new reality of the worldwide pandemic, and with the changing weather patterns which have brought us rather cooler weather this summer. And now, wildfires to the south and west of Western Canada are sending us smoky skies in abundance!
Harvest time is here despite the challenges of growing a bountiful crop this year. Our two apple trees yielded an abundance of apples. What a delight to eat our very own apples! We now look forward to the transformation of those that we froze for making pies, apple crisps, etc.
Autumn reminds us that we also live in a cycle of birth, growth, maturity and transformation which constitutes the journey of life. Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter exist within our beings in a unique sequence carrying us to maturity until we are ready to cross that threshold to that unknown which awaits us. The unknown is scary, but holds a promise of everlasting beauty and joy – we only need to trust . . . As we enjoy the bounties of nature, and witness the changing colors of trees, flowers and grass, we can enjoy the beauty which surrounds us. It is a time where the birds, ducks and butterflies migrate south.
Autumn invites us to introspection. It is a time of change, a time of slowing down, a time for deeper reflection and an invitation to connect more closely to the God within us and around us.
Happy autumn journey!