November 21, 2020
Today on this special feast day, with our associates and friends, let us celebrate Mary in the temple, praising God for Mary consecrating herself to God.
Let us reflect on the mystery of Mary who from her early days, responded to the Lord’s invitation of grace. During her life she gave her “Fiat” to God’s invitation of love. Let us join our own “yes” to hers. She showed us how to respond to the invitation of God’s grace and gifts in our own lives as we grow in holiness.
Let us live our entire life by making the choice of surrendering ourselves and having an encounter of love with God like Mary did.
With a heart full of gratitude and thanksgiving for 225 years of the foundation of the Congregation of the Sisters of the Presentation of Mary, we journey through the year 2020-2021 and bless God for Marie Rivier, our foundress, who had a great passion for Jesus Christ and for the Blessed Virgin Mary who did everything for her and the Congregation.
Happy feast Day to all!
“The Mighty One has done great things for me
And Holy is His name (Luke 1; 49)