First Sunday of Advent
A time of preparation for the coming of the Lord
“Be watchful! Be alert! You do not know when the time will come.” (cf. Mark ch. 13)
This call by Jesus to his disciples is particularly appropriate during this COVID-19 pandemic. Numerous precautions and guidelines have become the warriors to safeguard the wellbeing of our world. We have had to rethink how we work, play, eat, travel, celebrate, take holidays, etc.
During Advent, we can take this a step further and focus on our life, especially our spiritual health. During this first week, the opportunity is presented to us to renew our hope in the coming of Jesus into our hearts and souls, the hope that as we prepare for Christmas we become more aware of our relationship with our God, as well as with ourselves and with others.
Today, it is to hope that we awaken – hope that the coming of Jesus is a very special event, that Jesus’ love, joy and peace can fill our beings in new ways. Lighting the first candle of the Advent wreath is a visible sign of this hope.
May Isaiah’s prayer to God on behalf of his people be an inspiration to us: “You meet those who gladly do right, those who remember you in your ways” (cf Is. 63 -64)
During this Second Sunday, as we prepare for Christmas we see the scene of John the Baptist, probably known by Jesus as he was baptized by him. John’s message was “Repent.’’ We all have failures and need to be forgiven, we need to turn our lives and prepare our hearts and walk again with the Lord. Whatever is standing in the way of our loving, not just God but also our neighbor, we need healing and be reconciled.
“Come back to the Lord’’.
A very special Advent journey to one and all! Submitted by Sr. Janice Fournier, p.m.