My Beloved is Mine
and I am His forever!!
I cannot express in words the joy that fills my heart, knowing that I have responded to God’s call to belong absolutely to Jesus Christ forever! As, I move back into the daily routine of Religious Life with prayer, work and recreation, I desire to live out this “yes” every day. I am currently nursing in Palliative Care in Regina, but I will soon be moving to Saskatoon and working at St. Paul’s hospital in hemodialysis. This gives me the opportunity to live my vow of obedience in a concrete way and to discern again in community how God is calling me to be his hands and feet in our world today.
Every time I look down at my left hand, and see the ring which I have just received at my final vows, I catch myself smiling the biggest smile ever. At times, it can be difficult being a visible member of the Church today, but I believe God is calling me to be a friendly face of the Church, a loving presence in our province that is in such need of healing and reconciliation!