Celebrating Sister Claudette Casavant’s Golden Jubilee On August 7Th, 2021.
Hearts filled with joy, the Sisters of the Presentation of Mary gathered in Prince Albert to celebrate Sister Claudette’s 50 years of fidelity to her Call to serve the Lord, the Church and her Congregation. Presently stationed in Castelgandolfo, Italy, as a member of our General Council, her greatest hope was that the restrictions of the Covid-19 pandemic would not interfere with her desire to come home for this very special event.
The afternoon began by assembling at 3101, our infirmary house, for an hour of genuine P.M. entertainment which generated countless hearty laughs as Sister Claudette, radiantly surrounded by members of her family and the whole community, graciously accepted to be toasted and roasted. It highlighted many fond and comical memories of her past fifty years
Back at the Provincial House, we entered the chapel singing, “Table of Plenty’’, for a solemn mass with our new Bishop Stephen Hero and Fr. Maurice Fiolleau, our Vicar general and chaplain, as celebrants. Bishop Stephen began his homily by quoting IKings 19.4-8, ‘’Get up and eat, else the journey will be too long for you’’, stressing the need to eat the Bread of Life to sustain us and ending by wishing Sister Claudette another 50 years of religious life!
The Eucharist was followed by a delicious banquet greatly appreciated by everyone, with joy and friendship bouncing at every table. It ended with a special word of gratitude from the heroine of the day!
Our sincere congratulations to our dear Sister Claudette are accompanied with a quotation from Psalm 105.1 “Give thanks to the Lord, call on his name and make known among peoples what He has done.”
May the Blessed Virgin, our Mother and Model, grant you the grace to make Jesus Christ known and loved by who you are and what you do as you continue your journey in the footsteps of our Blessed Marie Rivier.