Advent is a special time before Christmas. We take this Advent period to prepare ourselves to celebrate the coming of Jesus in the mystery of the Incarnation, in anticipation of His Second Coming. As we await in hope, let this time of preparation be a spiritual one. May we stay awake and open our hearts by deepening and enriching our relationships with the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Our focus and attention should be on the Trinity as we prepare for Jesus’ return on that final day.
As we await and long for Jesus’ coming, may we relive the experiences of long ago, by taking some time to reflect on His Word by opening our bibles to read silently some of the passages that will give us hope, consolation and bring a new meaning to our lives which will also renew our relationships with others and become a blessing for the world around us.
Let us thank the Blessed Virgin Mary during our Advent journey for having said “Yes” to God for accepting to be the mother of Jesus. She totally put her faith and trust in the Lord. May we always trust in God’s plan for us and rejoice in the gift of his Son!

It is a custom to place in a prayer corner an advent wreath with 4 candles around it to symbolize the 4 weeks. We invite you to light a candle each week and spend a few moments in prayer. These candles remind us that we are journeying towards Christ, the Light of the world.
The following scripture readings can help you in your reflections:
-First Sunday- Passage to read –Jeremiah 33- 14-16 This passage is an invitation to renew our hope in Jesus while we wait. May the God of hope fill you with peace and abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.
You can also read Psalm 25.
-Second Sunday- Prepare the way of the Lord and make straight his paths, read in Luke 3:4-6. It is a time to be courageous and to ask ourselves what we can do to follow Jesus’ example. Let us take time to praise him for all that he has done for us.
-Third Sunday- Text to read: Zephaniah 3:14- 18 Rejoice with all your heart as we get closer to the birth of Christ. This joy comes from the fact that we will soon be celebrating Christmas. Let us pray to attain this joy. The Lord rejoices with us when we invite him to come into our hearts.
-Fourth Sunday- Text to reflect: John 4:19 Let us leap with joy at the coming of the Lord! And also can read in Luke 2:11, ‘A Savior is born in the city of David, he is the Messiah and Lord’. Mary trusted in God whom she loved. She goes out to visit her cousin Elizabeth who greeted her with love.

May you have a renewed personal encounter with Jesus Christ as you invite him in your life.