Blessed Anne-Marie Rivier
Pray for Us
Rivier Novena
Hymn: O Rivier Blessed Foundress (or any other)
O Rivier, blessed Foundress, our prayers arise to you.
Obtain for us your spirit to live our faith anew.
With alleluia’s sing, praise to God!
With alleluia’s sing, praise to God!
Incomparable apostle and spark of ardent love, imbue us with your zeal that comes from God above.
The teachings of the Gospel brought forth a burning flame.
The poor of heart you championed, the humble you sustained.
Your simple trust in Mary sustained through joys and tears, was handed down to us to grow throughout the years.
O Rivier, our dear Mother, you look down from above, and urge your children on to live the rule of love.
Daily Intentions:
- For all the Sisters and Associates of the Presentation of Mary
- For the canonization (p. 12 below) of Blessed Anne-Marie Rivier
- For vocations to religious life, the priesthood, married life, diaconate and single life
- For the sale of 1405, our Provincial House
The First Sign of a Dauntless Spirit
Wednesday, January 26th
Hymn: p. 2
Word of God: James 5:11
Indeed, we call blessed those who show endurance.
Commentary: (In the Strength of Her Vision p. 19)
At 16 months, the cross suddenly invaded Marie Rivier’s life. It was toward the end of April 1770. She fell from the upper level of the bed to the floor, broke her hip and could not stand erect. With a heavy heart, her mother often brought Marie to the mourning Mother in the nearby chapel. Cecile, the elder sister, told how “once in the chapel, no one could get her to come out, so my mother would let her stay there for hours. When we had forgotten to come for her and would ask her; were you lonesome? Oh no! she would reply. I was waiting for the Blessed Mother to cure me.
To Ponder
Reflect on Marie’s dauntless faith, her unremitting prayer, her infinite patience and endurance. Where do you stand on these issues?
Rosary (or at least a decade):
Let us ask to be open to the Spirit’s promptings in our life today.
Let us pray:
We bless you, Lord, for Marie Rivier, witness of lasting and enduring faith. Grant us strength and endurance so that each day we can be a blessing for others and bear our own cross with patience. Amen.
The Spirit of Strength Drives Marie Forward
Thursday, January 27th
Hymn: p. 2
Word of God: 1 Peter: 4: 14
If you are reviled for the name of Christ,
you are blessed, because the spirit of glory,
which is the Spirit of God, is resting on you.
Commentary: Marie Rivier wanted to open a school. As soon as the pastor heard of my project, he started to laugh, because he found it ridiculous that a child of eighteen, of such diminutive stature, should plan to direct a school. However, upon my insistence and my giving proof of confidence in God, he finally gave in. The well-to-do and the gossipers were as sceptical as the pastor. God made me understand that to carry out such work should pay no attention to the opinion and opposition of men. I had prayed; the pastor, although not for, was not against, the plan, and so, as far as I was concerned, God’s Will was plain to see. I had to go forward in all confidence without fear of obstacles or rebuffs. (In the Strength of Her Vision p. 35)
To Ponder: Do I go forward in spite of opposition and scepticism of others? What shall I do today in answer to this call to go forward?
Rosary (or at least a decade): Let us pray for the grace to follow in Marie’s footsteps, offering our lives as she did so that the Father’s will be done.
Let us pray: Lord we bless you for Marie Rivier, for her single-heartedness and strength in carrying out your will. Grant us this same directness of heart as we journey through life. Amen.
Marie Rivier, Prophetess
Friday, January 28th
Hymn: p. 2
Word of God: Psalm 1a, 2
Happy they whose delight is in the name of the Lord,
and on his law they meditate day and night.
Commentary: (In the Strength of Her Vision p. 46-47)
Speaking about God brought Marie Rivier marked happiness. She spoke with force and feeling, like a true missionary… This is part of her lifelong and extraordinary charism. The women of Montpezat used to say: The Holy Spirit inspires her words and speaks through her mouth. Though her life was hectic, her inner life overflowed into her works. At twenty, this young woman had reached the point where zeal and contemplation did not have to compete.
To Ponder: Reflect on the unity of Marie’s prayer life and activity. What can I do today to plant God’s Word ever more deeply in my heart while accomplishing my every day work?
Rosary (or at least a decade): Let us pray for the gift of holiness for our families, our friends, and for all people.
Let us pray: Lord, we bless you for Mother Rivier, witness of the Word of God. Grant us a listening heart and a love for your Word so that we may proclaim it with zeal. Amen.
Marie Rivier and the Poor
Saturday, January 29th
Hymn: p. 2
Word of God: Proverbs 14: 21
Happy are those who are kind to the poor.
Commentary: (In the Strength of Her Vision p. 191)
Anne Marie had always taken in orphans, but November 21, 1814, marked the formal dedication of her order to this work of charity. On that day, through the voice of Sister Chantal, the Presentation consecrated seven orphans to the heavenly Mother in honor of her Seven Joys and Sorrows. Standing behind the little girls, resplendent in their new clothes, Mother Rivier wept. Childhood and poverty were the two loves of her life and her heart overflowed with joy.
To Ponder: Reflect on how love of the poor goes hand-in-hand with joy. Perhaps someone next to you needs a word of hope… What can I do today to answer the call of the needy?
Rosary (or at least a decade):
Let us pray for the poor, the destitute, the homeless and the vulnerable, that they may find dignity and acceptance in their lives.
Let us pray: We bless you, Lord, for Mother Rivier and for her love of the poor. Grant that we, also may open our hearts and our hands to the needy. Amen
Let Us Get Together
Sunday, January 30th
Hymn: p. 2
Word of God: Psalm 146: 5
Happy are those whose help is the God of Jacob,
whose hope is in the Lord their God.
Commentary: (In the Strength of Her Vision p. 80)
Twenty-five years after the foundation, Marie Rivier would recall those early days. This work began in the days of persecution at a time when hardly anyone dared to declare herself Christian. In the midst of that dreadful upheaval and confusion, a few poor girls got together without quite knowing why. I had no sure knowledge of what God expected of me and my companions. We were five or six poor girls without means or resources. I would merely say: Let us get together and teach. We were nothing, we had nothing, we could do nothing. After that, would you doubt that it was God who founded, increased and consolidated this congregation?
To Ponder: Reflect on the value of religious life in the Church today. How faithful am I to my associate meetings? What can I do to live out more fully my commitment?
Rosary (or at least a decade): We pray in thanksgiving for the gift of service, and ask Mary to intercede for all those who serve others in any way.
Let us pray: Lord, we bless you for Marie Rivier, for the Sisters in her Congregation and for our Associates. May her spirit live on in all of us and make us steadfast in faith. Amen.
Marie Rivier’s Total Surrender to God
Monday, January 31st
Hymn: p. 2
Word of God: Proverbs 16: 20b
Happy are those who trust in the Lord
Commentary: (In the Strength of Her Vision p. 97)
The mystery of Marie Rivier’s life can be summed up in the following letter to M. Pontanier. It is also a letter which flows from the heart of a saint.: I have felt so deeply the grief that the failure of this Institute would bring me that I have asked God, if it so pleased him, to send me all manner of crosses, make me the scum of the world, inflict me with sickness and interior trials, deprive me of all consolation, and this, till the end of time. I have offered to endure all this for the Institute if it contributes to his greater glory. I am always more and more determined in this resolve. It seems to me I would make the sacrifice of never seeing God face to face if through all eternity I could work for the salvation of souls.
To Ponder: Reflect on the depth of Marie Rivier’s total surrender. Am I ready to give my life to Christ? Do I pray for the salvation of souls?
Rosary (or at least a decade): Let us ask for the grace and the perseverance to continue following the road to sainthood for ourselves and the people of the world.
Let us pray: Lord, we bless you for Marie Rivier and for the gifts she has bestowed on us in Christ. May we always live in total surrender to you, Lord, praying for the salvation of souls and working for your greatest glory. Amen
In the Hunger of Her Zeal
Tuesday, February 1st
Hymn: p. 2
Word of God: Psalm 128: 1
Happy are those who fear the Lord, who walk in his way.
Commentary: (In Joyful Haste–1 p. 64) Marie herself was overwhelmed by the escalation of her ministry and influence. Life seemed full of grace. I was often amazed how the good God sustained me. I hardly had time to eat; but with his help, rather than lose my strength and courage, I was overflowing with gladness of heart and experienced an extraordinary joy (Cros 47). Her mission had begun. Her emerging charism was bearing its first fruits… a charism that, before all else, was a fire… the fire of God’s love meant to set all hearts aflame with the love of Jesus and his Mother.
To Ponder: Reflect on the source of Marie Rivier’s zeal… from where and what sources did that zeal originate?
Rosary (or at least a decade): Let us pray for all those who live without hope, and those who are thinking of taking their lives or those of others.
Let us pray: Lord, we bless you for Marie’s zeal and urge to make Jesus Christ known. May we burn with the same desire to set the world aflame with God’s love. Amen.
Love for the Feast of the Presentation of Jesus in the Temple
Wednesday, February 2nd
Hymn: p. 2
Word of God: Proverbs 3:13
Happy are those who find wisdom, and those who obtain understanding.
Commentary: (Anne-Marie Rivier Spiritual Writings; p. 56)
Now look at this divine Child; look at the gentle Lamb in the arms of his loving Mother… a child radiant with light, burning with love, and vibrant with joy because he is about to offer himself to his Father for the salvation of the world. In this undertaking of Mary, you have a model of the love with which you must carry Christ Jesus in your heart and in your behaviour, whenever you appear in public, whenever you leave the seclusion of your home. In the sentiments of the heart of Jesus… feelings so in harmony with those of his august Mother… you also have a model of those sentiments that ought to animate you whenever you go to God to make him some offering.
To Ponder: Today I reflect on the sentiments of humility, obedience, self-surrender and love with which Mary offers this action to God.
Rosary (or at least a decade): Let us pray for a heart centered totally on Jesus Christ.
Let us pray: Blessed are you, Mary, for your gift to us of your Son Jesus. May we truly give ourselves, as you did, with love, joy and zeal to make Jesus Christ known and loved in this world. Amen.
The Spirit of Marie Rivier
Thursday, February 3rd
Hymn: p. 2
Word of God: Sirach 1: 13
Those who fear the Lord will have a happy end; on the day of their death they will be blessed.
Commentary: (Marie Rivier: Her Spirit & Virtues: Intro. p. xix and xvii)
What characterizes the intrepid Mother Rivier first and foremost is her love of God and of souls. With the same generosity and zeal that consumed her, she will say to everyone: Become saints! Be apostles and true disciples of our Lord Jesus Christ. With perseverance and astonishing courage, this awe-inspiring woman did her utmost to work for the salvation of others… she who was animated by the spirit of God at a time when, in France, all religious orders were harassed and suppressed, and when priests were persecuted, sent into exile, and put to death. As a legacy of her zeal, she has left this excellent and numerous family of the Presentation of Mary.
To Ponder: As Mother Rivier so often did, today I reflect on the quality of my love and zeal for making Jesus Christ known and loved.
Rosary (or at least a decade): Let us ask for joy and the love of God for ourselves and all those we encounter today.
Let us pray: (Marie Rivier: Her Spirit & Virtues: Intro. p. xix)
O Virgin Mary, Queen of the Presentation, you who have always come to the aid of your humble Servant, continue to be for your daughters (and associates) who call you their Mother and Guardian the mainstay that is their strength in their labours and their hope for eternal life. Amen.
Marie Rivier,
woman passionate for the glory of God
and the salvation of souls,
we bless you!
Fill us with your
ardent love for Jesus Christ,
your faith in the power of prayer,
your apostolic daring and
your compassion for all distress.
Mary, our Mother and Guardian,
through Jesus, your Son,
thank you for the grace of her canonization.
Blessed Anne-Marie Rivier
Pray for Us
May we join our hearts in joy and gratitude on this beautiful Presentation day!