We celebrated our Sisters’ anniversaries of Religious Profession:

Aline Couture 70

Patricia Brochu 65

Cecile Maurice 65

Emma Rousseau 65

Rita Bisson 60

On Monday,
it was with great joy that the Sisters came together at the table of the Lord where Reverend Father Maurice Fiolleau, Vicar General of the Diocese of Prince Albert, celebrated a mass in honor of the Jubilarians.  In his homily he firstly congratulated them and underlined that: “On this day that the Lord has made, let us be glad and rejoice with him as he is risen from the dead.”  The resurrection of Christ is at the core of our Christian faith; it gives us peace and joy.  It shows us the path of life.  Jesus leads us into his own Pascal Mystery from death to new life.

Following the Eucharistic Feast, a festive Banquet was held in the Sisters’ honor.  In the afternoon, to emphasize the feast, a recreational, festive gathering took place at our Infirmary Health Care Home. ‘Let us come together’, was often a phrase used by our Foundress, soon to be Saint Anne Marie Rivier. How good it was to share food, entertainment, song and laughter.                                                                                                                             Sister Lise praised and thanked the Lord for the Jubilarians’ 325 years of combined services to the Lord in various ministries which are valuable to the Church and to the world.  In Song and great joy we sang; “Belle fleur du matin, épanouie dans le Cœur de Dieu, Marie Rivier du haut du ciel, assiste-nous.’’ A colorful potted flower was presented to each Sister symbolizing their giftedness in continuing Marie Rivier’s Charism and Mission.

Congratulations to our Jubilarians, we wish them God’s peace and joy for many more years to come.

‘I will bless the Lord at all times

His praise shall be on my lips continually

My soul glorifies in Yahweh

Let the humble hear and rejoice.’ (Ps. 34)