This month has been dedicated to Mary, the Mother of Jesus, she is our mother, your mother and everyone’s mother.
Every day she cares for all of us.
Many honor Mary in different ways. Some erect a corner in their home with the picture of Mary to remind them to say the rosary which is the most excellent prayer to the Mother of God. Some say the litanies, invocations to Our Lady, taking time to pray for peace, especially for the people of Ukraine who are suffering during the war with Russia.
Mary was very humble, she trusted God and she received the Word of God to ponder over it, all her life was centered on him. In St. John, chapter 15, it says Mary invites us to rejoice with her. The Lord is with you! If we want to experience this same joy, we must turn to God and ask him to give us his joy. Mary surrendered all her life to the will of God and was comforted by the Holy Spirit.
May 8th is the Sunday dedicated to Mothers, may we have a special prayer in our heart as we pray the rosary for our mothers who have done so much for us during our life time, for the beautiful reflections of God that they are. They guide us, they forgive us and they are present with us. Most of all, they have loved us unconditionally as only someone filled with God’s love could. Thank you mothers!
This Sunday is also known as “Good Shepherd Sunday”. It marks the 59th Anniversary of the World Day of Prayer for Vocations. The purpose of this day is to, “Pray the Lord of the harvest to send laborers into his harvest”. (Mt 9:38; Lk 10:2). Let us pray that young men and women answer the Lord’s call to the priesthood, diaconate and religious life.
Mother Rivier, our foundress had a great devotion to Mary, during her life time she confided all her problems and needs to her and many of them were met.
May 15th will be the canonization of our foundress Mother Rivier; the celebration will take place in Rome. She will then be called Saint Marie Rivier. Ten other holy men and women will also be canonized by Pope Francis. May these holy men and women inspire you in your own life. Saints of God pray for us.