On Saturday, May 28, 2022, many people participated in a mass celebrating the newly canonized Saint Marie Rivier, foundress of the Sisters of the Presentation of Mary.
The Eucharist was held at the Sacred Heart Cathedral of Prince Albert.
It was concelebrated by His Excellency: Most Reverend Bishop Stephen Hero, Diocese of Prince Albert, Bishop Mark Hagemoen of Saskatoon Diocese and Abbot Peter Novecosky O.S.B. from Muenster and many other priests.
If you missed the Eucharist celebration it can be viewed on this livestream link.
You can also see the afternoon program on this link:
On behalf of all the Sisters of the Presentation of Mary, with great joy and gratitude they would like to thank everyone who have been involved with the Sisters over the years for their unending support and love. May God bless you all.