“When you seek God and God alone, and when you count on Him alone. He constantly performs miracles and pours out His blessings on all the works done for his sake. O, Lord, we desire one thing alone: to see you! Take away everything else: as long as we see, you are content. Never allow us to lose that purity of heart so essential to seeing you.”
“When you seek God and God alone, and when you count on Him alone. He constantly performs miracles and pours out His blessings on all the works done for his sake. O, Lord, we desire one thing alone: to see you! Take away everything else: as long as we see, you are content. Never allow us to lose that purity of heart so essential to seeing you.”
“Learn from Jesus Christ to walk in the Presence of God
and to be nourished with the bread of His divine will.”
“To make Jesus Christ known and loved everywhere!”
“Happy most happy, those who place their trust in Jesus Christ.”
“Let us listen carefully to the Word of Jesus Christ and let us follow his examples faithfully.”
“We are all on fire when we pray for the church and for the World. “
“Let us be an open Gospel.”
“Let us draw close to God and pray to Him.”
“Let us become what we are, saints, apostles, true disciples of Jesus Christ.”
‘’Spread the fire of God’s love and the knowledge of Jesus Christ.’’
“I leave you as heritage, the spirit of prayer.”
“Tenons-nous toujours près de Jésus-Christ; il nous donnera des forces, il nous éclairera, il nous soutiendra.’’
« Soyez fidèle dans les petites choses si vous voulez l’être dans les grandes. »
‘’Tenez-vous donc en paix, quoi qu’il vous arrive: priez et mettez toute votre confiance en Dieu et en la Sainte Vierge.’’
‘’Dieu m’a donné, pour la prière, la plus grande foi et la plus ferme espérance.’’
‘’Marie Rivier lived out the eight beatitudes, for this she deserves to be called a SAINT.’’