On Saturday, Sept 24th 2022, Sister Lise Paquette, former Provincial Superior of the Sisters of the Presentation of Mary in Prince Albert, bid her final farewell to the Provincial House and Rivier Academy at Bishop Pascal Place.
Before leaving she took the time to tour the building and wandered through all the rooms on every floor. As she came to the classroom of some grade seven students they handed her thank you notes for their new school now belonging to Canadian Revival Centre. With mixed emotions, she left her office for the last time and carried with her these precious memories after having passed 12 years of administration in this building. What an achievement!
She said goodbye to the staff, the Sisters, and especially to the infirmary Sisters who supported her with their prayers during her term in office.
The Sisters appreciated and recognized her dedication, her accomplishments, the hard work and the generous sacrifices during the twelve years of her mandate as Provincial Superior. They expressed much gratitude as they wished her a well deserved rest in Alberta. May the Good Shepherd guide and bless her with countless graces during her sabbatical year.
“For it is in giving that we receive.” — Francis of Assisi
As you remember the past, may you embrace the future with hope. We will continue being with you in prayers and may Saint Marie Rivier accompany you and always be at her side.
“For I know the plans I have for you’’, declares the Lord, ‘’plans for peace and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jer.29, 11
During the last week she received a beautiful crystal as a gift from a member of the Board of Mont St. Joseph Home. She was always grateful to this Care Home! She thanked them for the excellent care they give to our Sisters.
Then the Sisters gave her a prayerful sendoff by singing, “May the blessing of the Lord be upon you. We bless you in the name of the Lord, for God loves you and we love you too and that is the way it should be, alleluia!”
“Bittersweet memories that is all I’m taking with me, so good bye. Please don’t cry”. Whitney Houston
“I have fought a good fight I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.” 2 Timothy 4:7