This sacred Paschal Triduum consists of the last three days before Easter. It commemorates the Last Supper, the Passion, Crucifixion, Death of our Savior and it celebrates his Resurrection on Easter Day. Let us fast and pray for each other during these last three days, asking for God’s mercy and forgiveness, and taking time to remember all that Jesus has done for us.
On Holy Thursday, Jesus instituted the First Eucharist.
Let us commemorate this Last Supper.
Jesus took the bread, blessed it and said, “Take it, this is my body.” Mark 14: 22 Then he took a cup blessed it and said “this is the blood of the covenant which will be shed for many.” Mark.22:24 Let us thank Jesus for this Bread of life that he shared with his disciples. May we experience his Eucharistic presence in it.
After the meal, Jesus washed his disciples’ feet and asked them to do the same. He gave us a model to follow, wash each other’s feet. We are called to serve others!
On Good Friday, Jesus died on the Cross. He was first condemned, cursed, abandoned, and crucified between thieves. He sacrificed himself for all our sins so we can have life. During his life time he had cured and helped a lot of people, but that was all forgotten and ignored. While on the cross Jesus said, “Father, into your hands I commend my spirit.” St. Luke 23; 46
Jesus gave himself up because he loved us. In the gospel of St John, chapter 12; 47 it says, “I did not come to condemn the world but to save it.” What love he showed us! Let us look at our crosses and conflicts that come our way and remember Christ’s suffering and death cannot be compared to our crosses.
On Holy Saturday, Jesus is laid in the tomb.
It is the next day after Jesus was taken down from the cross that he was laid in the tomb. As we wait for the resurrection we imagine that something is about to happen. Jesus will pass from death to life. He will make all things new. This day will bring us to the mystery of the new creation.
Let us pray in our own hearts and remember what the passion of Jesus means for us in our lives and see if we can renew our hearts, grow in faith, love and share God’s love with others.
Let the old ways behind! May we start some newness in our lives.