On Monday, May 15, 2023, in thanksgiving for the canonization of Marie Rivier, that took place in Rome on May 15, 2022, the Sisters and their Associates gathered together to celebrate a mass presided by Father Michael Averyt at the infirmary of the Sisters of the Presentation of Mary. His touching homily on sainthood touched our hearts and encouraged us to be saints too. During her life, Marie Rivier opened many paths inviting us to be saints and follow Jesus’ footsteps. Sister Evelyn Nedelec accompanied the sisters that sang one very special hymn called, “Hearts on Fire’, composed by Sister Colette Barbeau.
Marie Rivier was a woman powered by Christ. During her lifetime she brought the Good news of Christ‘s love to the people she encountered. She was on fire to make Jesus Christ known and loved in the world.
Let us thrive to be saints by loving God with all our hearts and our neighbors, but first let us be a people of prayer.
Let us live the Gospel to its fullest.
Let us give thanks for the canonization of Marie Rivier.