On Sunday, August 6th, with great joy and excitement the Sisters gathered together to pray and sing. They wished Sister Mary Woodward and Sister Viviane Gareau a safe trip as they travel to Rome for an international meeting of the 29th General Chapter.
They will meet with the p.m. Sisters from different countries. Inspired by the life of Saint Marie Rivier, our Foundress, they will see how they can move forward in her footsteps aspiring to greater things and for a new springtime of life. We trust in the love of Christ which impels us to embrace newness with confidence.

We pray:
We pray to the Lord who watches our comings and goings. May He keep our two sisters safe in His loving arms. Let no harm come upon them during their trip; cover them with Your mighty wings. As they leave for their journey we trust in the pilots, flight attendants and all the workers. May they experience your love and greatness during this trip, in Jesus name we pray. Amen.
May the blessings of the Lord be upon them!

Seigneur nous te prions aussi de combler de ton amour le cœur de nos trois déléguées ainsi que toutes les participantes du Chapitre Général. Allume en elles le feu de ton Esprit Saint afin que leurs délibérations soient dans la fraternité et le respect mutuel. Puissent-elles discerner avec sagesse et esprit de foi les signes des temps qui sont des appels à vivre un nouveau printemps selon l’esprit de notre fondatrice Sainte Marie Rivier. Que la Vierge Marie intercède pour nous en tout temps en chantant,
‘Toi Notre Dame nous te chantons, toi Notre Mère nous te prions.’