(Parable of the Sower – Mt 13: 1-9)
[Prepared by Don and Ann Moon, Prince Albert, SK]
Preparing the Soil
Monday, November 13, 2023
Hymn: “An Open Gospel” or Your Choice
+In the Name of the Father, …
Word of God: [Jeremiah 4: 3]
Break up your unplowed ground. Do not waste your good seed .
Commentary: [All Through Love – Pilar Ramirez]
Prayer is not only talking to God, it is also listening. It is an intimate meeting with God. Since the main purpose of prayer is to seek God’s will, it is the sincere opening of your heart to his presence. Marie Rivier said, “I leave you as an inheritance the spirit of prayer.”
Rosary: At least ONE decade.
Daily Intentions:
For all the Sisters, the Associates and families of the Presentation of Mary. We pray to the Lord.
For peace in the world especially in the Ukraine and Israel/Gaza. We pray to the Lord.
Other intentions …
To Ponder:
In what ways and how often are you aware of the presence of God in your daily life?
Let Us Pray.
God our Father,
you fashioned in Saint Marie Rivier
a heart impassioned for your glory
and for the salvation of the world.
We bless you.
Place in us her ardent love for Jesus Christ,
Her faith in the power of prayer,
Her apostolic boldness,
Her compassion for all suffering.
Grant us, through her intercession
the grace that we ask of you ………..
+In the Name of the Father, …

Seeds Planted
Tuesday, November 14, 2023
Hymn: “An Open Gospel” or Your Choice
+In the Name of the Father, …
Word of God: [Galatians 6: 7-10]
Do not be deceived; God is not mocked, for you reap whatever you sow. If you sow to your own flesh, you will reap corruption from the flesh; but if you sow to the Spirit, you will reap eternal life from the Spirit. So let us not grow weary in doing what is right, for we will reap at harvest time, if we do not give up. So then, whenever we have an opportunity let us work for the good of all, and especially for those of the family of faith,
Commentary: [Pope Francis – Angelus 16/07/23]
If the Word is the seed, we are the soil: we can receive it or not but Jesus the ‘good sower’ does not tire of sowing it generously. Let us never forget, when we proclaim the Word, that even where it seems nothing is happening, in reality the Holy Spirit is at work, and the Kingdom of God is already growing, through and beyond our efforts.
Rosary: At least ONE decade.
Daily Intentions:
For all the Sisters, the Associates and families of the Presentation of Mary.
For peace in the world and our lives.
Other intentions …
To Ponder:
How was the seed of faith planted in your life? Where have you planted the seed of God’s Word in others?
Let Us Pray.
God our Father,
you fashioned in Saint Marie Rivier
a heart impassioned for your glory
and for the salvation of the world.
We bless you.
Place in us her ardent love for Jesus Christ,
Her faith in the power of prayer,
Her apostolic boldness,
Her compassion for all suffering.
Grant us, through her intercession
the grace that we ask of you ………..
+In the Name of the Father, …
Watering the Seed
Wednesday, November 15, 2023
Hymn: “An Open Gospel” or Your Choice
+In the Name of the Father, …
Word of God: [Isaiah 55: 10-11]
For as the rain and the snow come down from heaven, and do not return there until they have watered the earth, making it bring forth and sprout, giving seed to the sower and bread to the eater, so shall my Word be that goes out from my mouth; it shall not return to me empty, but it shall accomplish that which I purpose, and succeed in the thing for which I sent it.
Commentary: [Pope Francis – Angelus 16/07/23]
Let us never forget. When we proclaim the word, that even where it seems that nothing is happening, the Holy Spirit is at work, and the Kingdom of God is already growing, through and beyond our efforts.
Rosary: At least ONE decade.
Daily Intentions:
For all the Sisters, the Associates and families of the Presentation of Mary.
For peace in the world and our lives.
Other intentions …
To Ponder:
Do I sow goodness? Do I only care about reaping for myself or do I also sow for others? Do I get discouraged or, like Jesus, do I continue to sow, even if I do not see immediate results?
Let Us Pray.
God our Father,
you fashioned in Saint Marie Rivier
a heart impassioned for your glory
and for the salvation of the world.
We bless you.
Place in us her ardent love for Jesus Christ,
Her faith in the power of prayer,
Her apostolic boldness,
Her compassion for all suffering.
Grant us, through her intercession
the grace that we ask of you ………..
+In the Name of the Father, …
Removing the Weeds
Thursday, November 16, 2023
Hymn: “An Open Gospel” or Your Choice
+In the Name of the Father, …
Word of God: [Matthew 13: 24-30]
When the plants came up and bore grain, then the weeds appeared as well. The slaves asked, “Do you want us to go gather them?”. But he replies, “No: for in gathering the weeds you would uproot the wheat with them. Let both of them grow together and at harvest time I will tell the reapers to collect the weeds first and bind them in bundles to be burned but gather the wheat into my barn.
Commentary: [Pope Francis – Angelus 23/07/23]
The Pope urged Catholics to reject “the temptation to divide the wheat from the weeds”, a metaphor for acting abruptly and even violently to bring about a “pure society” or even a “pure Church” that simply does not exist.
The coexistence of good and evil is found on many levels, as we are faced with wars, corruption in the world, scandals in the Church and the miseries of everyday life. In human history as in each of our lives, there is a mixture of light and shadows, love and selfishness. Good and evil are even intertwined to the point of seeming inseparable.
Rosary: At least ONE decade.
Daily Intentions:
For all the Sisters, the Associates and families of the Presentation of Mary.
For peace in the world and our lives.
Other intentions …
To Ponder:
Where have you witnessed good and evil intertwined in our world?
Let Us Pray.
God our Father,
you fashioned in Saint Marie Rivier
a heart impassioned for your glory
and for the salvation of the world.
We bless you.
Place in us her ardent love for Jesus Christ,
Her faith in the power of prayer,
Her apostolic boldness,
Her compassion for all suffering.
Grant us, through her intercession
the grace that we ask of you ………..
+In the Name of the Father, …
Clearing Stones Away
Friday, November 17, 2023
Hymn: “An Open Gospel” or Your Choice
+In the Name of the Father, …
Word of God: [Matthew 13: 20-23]
As for what was sown on rocky ground, this is the one who hears the Word and receives it with joy; yet such a person has no root, but endures only for a while and when trouble or persecution arises on account of the Word, that person immediately falls away.
Commentary: [Saint Marie Rivier – In the Strength of Her Vision]
Marie Rivier wanted to build a school. As soon as the Pastor heard of my project, he started to laugh, because he found it ridiculous that a child of eighteen, of such diminutive stature, should plan to direct a school. However, upon my insistence and my giving proof of confidence in God, he finally gave in. The well to do and the gossipers were as sceptical as the Pastor. God made me understand that to carry out such work I should pay no attention to the opinions and opposition of men. I had prayed; the Pastor, although not for, was not against the plan, and so, as far as I was concerned, God’s will was plain to see. I had to go forward in all confidence without fear of obstacles or rebuffs.
Rosary: At least ONE decade.
Daily Intentions:
For all the Sisters, the Associates and families of the Presentation of Mary.
For peace in the world and our lives.
Other intentions …
To Ponder:
Do I go forward in spite of opposition and scepticism of others? What ways would be helpful in removing obstacles (stones) that block the forward movement of good efforts?
Let Us Pray.
God our Father,
you fashioned in Saint Marie Rivier
a heart impassioned for your glory
and for the salvation of the world.
We bless you.
Place in us her ardent love for Jesus Christ,
Her faith in the power of prayer,
Her apostolic boldness,
Her compassion for all suffering.
Grant us, through her intercession
the grace that we ask of you ………..
+In the Name of the Father, …
Saturday, November 18, 2023
Hymn: “An Open Gospel” or Your Choice
+In the Name of the Father, …
Word of God: [Isaiah 58: 8-10]
Then shall your light break forth like the dawn, and your healing shall spring up speedily; your righteousness shall go before you, the glory of the Lord shall be your rear guard. Then you shall call, and the Lord will answer; you shall cry, and he will say, Here I am. If you take away from the midst of you the yoke, the pointing of the finger and speaking wickedness, if you pour yourself out for the hungry and satisfy the desire of the afflicted, then shall your light rise in the darkness and your gloom be as the noonday.
Commentary: [Saint Marie Rivier]
“One day my daughters will cross the seas.” These words of Marie Rivier are fulfilled. Today the Presentation of Mary is present in many parts of the world. The Sisters continue to be the fire that purifies, enlightens and gives warmth. With Jesus they are the fire and he is the one who sends them and gives meaning to their mission Today, we, the Associates are all part of this task, we are an important part of bringing the Good News to all hearts.
Rosary: At least ONE decade.
Daily Intentions:
For all the Sisters, the Associates and families of the Presentation of Mary.
For peace in the world and our lives.
Other intentions …
To Ponder:
How do our lives connect with the work of the Sisters in spreading the Good News throughout our world?
Let Us Pray.
God our Father,
you fashioned in Saint Marie Rivier
a heart impassioned for your glory
and for the salvation of the world.
We bless you.
Place in us her ardent love for Jesus Christ,
Her faith in the power of prayer,
Her apostolic boldness,
Her compassion for all suffering.
Grant us, through her intercession
the grace that we ask of you ………..
+In the Name of the Father, …
Feeding the Plants
Sunday, November 19, 2023
Hymn: “An Open Gospel” or Your Choice
+In the Name of the Father, …
Word of God: [Luke 13: 6-9]
And he told this parable: “A man had a fig tree planted in his vineyard; and he came seeking fruit on it and found none. And he said to the vinedresser, ‘Lo, these three years I have come seeking fruit on this fig tree, and I find none. Cut it down; why should it use up the ground?’ And he answered him, ‘Let it alone, Sir, this year also, till I dig about it and put on manure. And if it bears fruit next year, well and good; but if not, you can cut it down’.”
Commentary: [All Through Love – Pilar Ramirez]
To pray is to encounter God in a totally gratuitous way; it is to enjoy God’s love. This experience transforms our whole life. Prayer is not only talking to God, it is an intimate meeting with God. Since the main purpose of prayer is to seek God’s will, it is the sincere opening of your heart to his presence. For these reasons, prayer was vital for Marie Rivier. It was the pillar of her life, from which her union with God was born. She felt the call to the desert, to silence, to leave everything aside and seek that space for intimacy, for encounter. Silence taught her everything; in solitude she found her vocation. And she considered it was the best thing she could leave us: “I leave you as an inheritance the spirit of prayer” (Marie Rivier)
Rosary: At least ONE decade.
Daily Intentions:
For all the Sisters, the Associates and families of the Presentation of Mary.
For peace in the world and our lives.
Other intentions …
To Ponder:
How do we use prayer as a springboard to acts of love in our world?
Let Us Pray.
God our Father,
you fashioned in Saint Marie Rivier
a heart impassioned for your glory
and for the salvation of the world.
We bless you.
Place in us her ardent love for Jesus Christ,
Her faith in the power of prayer,
Her apostolic boldness,
Her compassion for all suffering.
Grant us, through her intercession
the grace that we ask of you ………..
+In the Name of the Father, …
Gathering the Harvest
Monday, November 20, 2023
Hymn: “An Open Gospel” or Your Choice
+In the Name of the Father, …
Word of God: [Corinthians 9: 10]
He who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will supply and multiply your resources and increase the harvest of your righteousness. You will be enriched in every way for great generosity, which through us will produce thanksgiving to God.
Commentary: [All Through Love – Pilar Ramirez]
Marie Rivier said; “Let us come together and begin a school!” Education is at the heart of our mission. Our charism is to proclaim the Gospel and the love of Jesus. In schools we grow together on the basis of these values: love, freedom, family spirit. Teaching, accompanying, supporting, welcoming, forming and loving each and every person who passes through our centers is undoubtedly the best legacy that Marie Rivier left us. This means putting the person at the center, seeing their hopes, their dreams, their strengths, their difficulties, their needs and responding as Jesus would. Only in this way will each person feel loved and be able to grow.
Rosary: At least ONE decade.
Daily Intentions:
For all the Sisters, the Associates and families of the Presentation of Mary.
For peace in the world and our lives.
Other intentions …
To Ponder:
In what ways do we support and encourage members of our family, our friends and others we meet so they too can know the love of Jesus Christ and grow in their faith?
Let Us Pray.
God our Father,
you fashioned in Saint Marie Rivier
a heart impassioned for your glory
and for the salvation of the world.
We bless you.
Place in us her ardent love for Jesus Christ,
Her faith in the power of prayer,
Her apostolic boldness,
Her compassion for all suffering.
Grant us, through her intercession
the grace that we ask of you ………..
+In the Name of the Father, …
Producing Much Fruit
Tuesday, November 21, 2023
Hymn: “An Open Gospel” or Your Choice
+In the Name of the Father, …
Word of God: [Matthew 13: 31-32]
Another parable he put before them, saying, The kingdom of heaven is like a grain of mustard seed which a man took and sowed in his field; it is the smallest of all seeds, but when it is grown it is the greatest of all shrubs and becomes a tree, so that the birds of the air come and make nests in its branches.”
Commentary: [Pope Francis – Canonization Mass 15/05/22]
The love that we receive from the Lord is the force that transforms our lives. It opens our hearts and enables us to love. For this reason, Jesus says – here is the second element – “as I have loved you, so must you love one another”. That word “as” is not simply an invitation to imitate Jesus’ love; it tells us that we are able to love only because he has loved us, because he pours into our hearts his own Spirit, the Spirit of holiness, love that heals and transforms. As a result, we can make decisions and perform works of love in every situation and for every brother and sister whom we meet, because we ourselves are loved and we have the power to love. As I myself am loved, so I can love others. The love I give is united to Jesus’ love for me. “As” he loved me, so I can love others. The Christian life is just that simple. Let’s not make it more complicated with so many things. It is just that simple.
Rosary: At least ONE decade.
Daily Intentions:
For all the Sisters, the Associates and families of the Presentation of Mary.
For peace in the world and our lives.
Other intentions …
To Ponder:
In what situations have you decided to plant seeds of love?
Let Us Pray.
God our Father,
you fashioned in Saint Marie Rivier
a heart impassioned for your glory
and for the salvation of the world.
We bless you.
Place in us her ardent love for Jesus Christ,
Her faith in the power of prayer,
Her apostolic boldness,
Her compassion for all suffering.
Grant us, through her intercession
the grace that we ask of you ………..
+In the Name of the Father, …