It is SAINTE MARIE RIVIER’S birthday on Tuesday; she would be 255 years old today if she had lived.  She was born in Montpezat, France on December 19, 1768, and baptized on December 21st.  She is the foundress of the Sisters of the Presentation of Mary.  She died in Bourg St. Andeol, France on February 3, 1768.

Let us remember her, for her deep faith, her zeal to make Jesus Christ known and loved by all,

She would say,’ imprint Christ Jesus in your heart by conforming your thoughts, desires, affections and actions to his’.

For ourselves, let us strive as hard as we can to become true copies of Jesus Christ.  Let us imitate him and put all our trust in Jesus and especially in Mary at this time of Advent as we await the birth of Jesus.  We also know that Jesus Christ was always at the heart of Marie Rivier, like she is now in our hearts.

The love of Jesus impels us to move forward in the footsteps of Saint Marie Rivier.

As Sisters of the Presentation of Mary and our associates: we ask Saint Marie Rivier to accompany us in all our endeavors.

MARANATHA! Rejoice, rejoice, Emmanuel shall come to you, O Israel!”