This New Year marks a new beginning for the Sisters of the Presentation of Mary in the opening of Mary’s House in Saskatoon. This house is a place of hospitality where the Sisters hope to welcome youth and invite women for a live-in experience of religious life.

On Jan. 3, 2024, the Feast of the Holy Name of Jesus, Bishop Mark Hagemoen of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Saskatoon celebrated Mass in the new chapel and blessed the house. The evening concluded with a festive meal.

At Mary’s House, women will be invited to come live community life with the Sisters of the Presentation of Mary, while working and studying, in order to discern how God is calling them.

The Sisters will also be offering a weekend “Come and See” live-in retreat for women Feb 16-19, 2024.

For more information and registration, contact: or (306) 531-9937. Please keep the Sisters in your prayers, as well as the young women who are discerning their vocation.