February 3rd is an extraordinary day for The Sisters Presentation of Mary. It is “Saint Marie Rivier Feast Day.”

As a Congregation, we join together for a 9-day Novena beginning on January 26th.

With a grateful heart on fire, I join my Sisters in thanking God for our Foundress and I wish us all a Happy Feast Day.

I take this opportunity to encourage you to know more about Saint Marie Rivier by following four sessions found on Utube.  I was mandated by Bishop Stephen Hero of the Prince Albert, SK, Canada to make Saint Marie Rivier known and loved.

Growing in Faith with Marie Rivier

  • Session 1: Saint Marie Rivier – Her Life
  • Session 2: Saint Marie Rivier’s Spirituality
  • Session 3: Charism and Mission
  • Session 4: Saint Marie Rivier and Prayer

Sister Lise Paquette, pm