During this lent may we grow spiritually with Jesus, let’s open our hearts and minds to him and let’s be aware of his presence near us.
Jesus says “Come to me, all you that are weary and are carrying heavy burdens and I will give you rest”. Matt 11:28. Let us lean on God’s love, he can reveal us his love if we keep our relationship with him, and he is amazing! Our union with him tends to take away all our hardships and obstacles away.
Do we still have the desire to get closer to Jesus, and be holy? Let him guide you during this lent, encourage you to make some deliberate efforts to love well, “For we don’t know when the Lord will come, let us keep awake”. Matt 24; 42
Lent is a time to focus on the suffering of Jesus Christ so we can be ready to celebrate his resurrection. I encourage you to have an inner solidarity with Jesus, be confident and trustworthy.

Jesus has suffered for us. A good way to participate in the mystery of Christ’s passion is to reflect and make the Stations of the Cross at the parish church.
Lent is a time for repentance, a time to look at ourselves and see if we can improve our daily habits to make them better during our lives.
I encourage you to read some Lenten Psalms. Cultivate an interior silence and pray the Psalms, they are a good source of prayer. They are a wonderful way to draw us closer to God and to hope in him.
Psalms…6…32…38…50…51…102…130…143 etc….for personal guidance.