Happy Mothers Day
Today is a special day to honor and praise the Blessed Virgin Mary, known as ‘Mother Mary’.
The church says Mary is truly the Mother of God. She gave birth to Jesus her son, who is God. She believed that the Word of God promised to her would be fulfilled. She was a real model of discipleship during her time. Let us invite her into our homes. While Jesus was on the cross he told John, one of his apostles, ‘here is your Mother’. St. John 19-25-26. She is also our ‘Mother.’
Let us also celebrate our dear mothers; they are special and the best. Let‘s have a special place in our hearts as we pray the rosary within our families and discover the power that the rosary has. The rosary is the best prayer to Mary. Saint Marie Rivier prayed and accomplished everything by means of the Rosary.
No one can describe the love that mothers have for their children. They have a heart full of love, devotion and tenderness. Mothers fill so many roles; nurse, nutritionist, counselor, education etc. Motherhood can be a joyful experience!
May God shower you and your families with His enduring love and may Mary accompany you today and always!