On Sunday, May 19th a heart warming jubilee day was organized for all the sisters and friends at the Infirmary of the Sisters of the Presentation of Mary. It was a day of jubilation for some Sisters who celebrated a 60th and 65th anniversary of consecrated life:
Sister Estelle Lavigne (65)
Sister Suzanne Papen (65)
Sister Helen Landry (65)
Sister Evelyn Corbeil (65)
Sister Diane Lajeunesse, (60th)
What a witness to commitment and fidelity! They have been graced and been instruments of God’s joy and love in the world. Jesus chose them ‘to bear lasting fruit’ (cf. Jn 15:16) and which they have done for sixty and sixty –five years.
We are grateful to the Lord for choosing them to live the consecrated life and we thank the Lord for the many blessings of their fidelity and generosity that they have brought to our community and to the people whom they have served during their life. They have truly been a presence of God in the world. We give thanks and praise to God of faithfulness, for having kindled the fire of his love and the gift of his joy to our jubiliarians.
Father Michael Averyt presided the joyful Eucharistic celebration animated by the Sisters choir. The Sisters and the Jubilarians renewed their vows of poverty, chastity and obedience. During his homily Father emphasised the love of God and the gifts given to us on the feast of Pentecost. It is now up to us to try to find ways to communicate this love to others. A delicious meal was then served.
The afternoon entertainment opened with a welcome by Sister Mary Woodward, reminding us that we are ‘one’. Then we sang the song ‘The Goodness of God “found on UTube. The words reminded us that ‘all our life, God has been faithful and good to us’.
Then we took time to roast and toast each of our Jubilarians. We recall their accomplishments over the many years through; skits, songs, guessing activity (S.M.Rivier), funny jokes, personalizing the Tree of Life, and choreography with music. All ended with the opening of the gifts.
Connecting all to the Tree of Life, Jesus Christ, we spend a prayerful time of intercession and thanksgiving. ‘Jesus, tree of life, you shelter me in your limbs and nourish me by your fruit.’
May God’s love keep flowing through our Jubilarians and through each one of us. May all of us continue to experience God pursuing us by his love every moment of every day!
As a closing prayer, Stephanie Belanger sang a ‘Salve Regina’ that she had composed.

Salut notre reine de miséricorde;
notre vie, notre douceur, notre espérance salut.
Enfants d’Ève malheureux exilés, nous élevons nos cris vers vous,
nous soupirons vers vous gémissants et pleurants dans cette valle de larmes
O, notre avocate, tournez donc vers nous votre regard miséricordieux,
et au sortir de cet exile montrez nous Jésus Christ le fruit bénit de vos entrailles. Amen.
We concluded the day by sharing refreshments in joyful friendship.
“It was indeed a grace-filled day.