“Gathered because of Jesus Christ, we form, in the Holy Spirit, a community of fraternal life, sign of the Father’s gratuitous love. “ Rule of life
Our rich community life is one of our distinguishing marks as Sisters of the Presentation of Mary. Our hope is to empower one another to live the Gospel in our common mission of making Jesus Christ known and loved.
We put in common our mutual love and desire to help one another grow, day by day, in the sanctity of our vocation. We live the “let us get together” in the day to day of our lives: our apostolic work, our community sharing, and our liturgical and festive celebrations.
Our communities strive to radiate the peace and joy of belonging to the Lord. We aspire to be beacons of light witnessing to the call of the gospel to live in love and unity.
Marie Rivier’s famous quotes for community life…
“Like the Holy Trinity, may all of you be so united that you form only one heart!”
“Let us come together. Let us be Saints, Apostles, and true disciples of Jesus Christ!”
“Each Sister bears her share of responsibility for the atmosphere of peace, joy and mutual trust which makes the community a fraternal milieu where one can be happy at all times.” Rule of Life