All for God, All through Holy love! (Our motto)

Our vocation to the consecrated life is a gift of our whole being to God.   A vow is a solemn promise made freely as an individual gives his or her life to God. Sisters, brothers and religious community priests take vows to give their lives to God by living the gospel in chastity, poverty and obedience.  This is a radical calling to belong totally to Christ.

Marie Rivier’s desire to belong totally to Christ inspired this ardent prayer in her: “O Jesus, that I may live for you alone, and that you alone may be everything for me!”

Impelled by the sole love of Jesus Christ we vow to live a life of chastity.  This consent to God of our whole being calls us to reveal the true greatness of love.  We choose to love and serve God and all God’s people, rather than to love one person exclusively.  We offer our chastity as witness and testimony to God’s love.  This love is different from that which the world proclaims; it is faithful, total love, capable of risk.

Our vow of poverty calls us to live in total communion with Christ, who emptied Himself unto the cross.  Simplicity of life marks our lifestyle—we share our money and goods in common and we live dependent on one another for the necessities of life.  Our poverty allows us to live in solidarity with the poor of our world; therefore, we experience the joy and freedom of those who leave everything to possess Jesus Christ, our unique treasure.

We bind ourselves to the Lord by obedience to the will of God, our Father.  This vow touches our most secret and intimate choices, encompassing our whole being and our activity.  It calls us to seek the will of God, together with our superiors, and to make it fully our own.  Our obedience leads us to entrust the whole of our destiny to God, placing all our faith and hope in Him.

“I beg you through the mercy of God to offer yourselves as a living sacrifice.” Romans 12: 1-2

“Belong absolutely to Jesus Christ!”  Marie Rivier

Our Vocation is Jesus Christ!”  Marie Rivier