When you think of your future, what are your dreams and desires for your life? Here is what some young women who discerned a call to religious life had to say:
“I desired to grow in my relationship with God and others and wanted to help the poor and needy.”
“I longed to belong solely to God…. To be totally His instrument and at His service.”
“A part of me seeks time of solitude and silence…. The thought of deepening my relationship with Jesus fills me with great joy.”
“I love Jesus and the thought of following him stayed with me in all things.”
“I long to make a difference … to live a life that is challenging and fulfilling.”
“I am looking for something which gives my life deep meaning, something worth giving my whole life to.”
“ I am happy, yet find that deep within me there is an unfulfilled longing? With all that I have, there is a sense that it is not enough?”
“I love being in communion with God and living in community brings me great joy!”
God longs for you to be happy and fulfilled and His Love takes many paths….
God may be calling YOU!
The sisters would be honoured to journey with you to discover God’s path for you. Please contact a Sister near you to inquire about a Come & See retreat or live-in experience with the Sisters.