“Show me the way in which I should walk” Ps 143:8 

Do you desire a companion for the spiritual journey?

The ministry of spiritual direction is one of reverent and compassionate listening.  In conversation with a spiritual guide you will:

Grow in self-knowledge,
– Develop your capacity for discernment: the art and gift of recognizing the movement of God in your life.
– Hear the invitation — to respond to God’s movement in ways that are healing, just and reconciling for all creation.


If you are interested in receiving spiritual direction, we have a number of sisters who do spiritual direction and are trained spiritual directors.  Below are their names and contact information of the sisters and they would be happy to hear from you.

S. Lise Paquette
S. Lise PaquettePrince Albert, SK
S. Chantelle Bonk
S. Chantelle BonkFort Qu’Appelle, Sk – House of Prayer
S. Lucie Hamel
S. Lucie HamelSaskatoon, SK
S. Emma Rousseau
S. Emma RousseauSaskatoon, SK
“I feel it is a great gift to enable individuals to become more and more aware of God’s grace and loving presence in their lives, and through this to deepen their relationship with God, themselves and others.”
S. Emma Rousseau
Sr. Diane Lajeunesse
Sr. Diane LajeunesseNorth-Battleford, SK