On Saturday, August 21, we, the Sisters of the Presentation of Mary held a community gathering where we shared our life-giving experiences of synodal partnerships. Recalling our last chapter goals, to live communion in diversity and to strive to be prophets for our time, we then pondered how these have begun to be lived out. Belonging to the same family and exchanging ideas gives us greater openness to the realities of our congregation. Our concern is to preserve the spirit of our foundress Saint Marie Rivier whose wish was, ‘Let us come together as one’.

At this time, we take the opportunity to welcome in our province Sister Hao Phan from Japan; we wish her mutual friendship and a joyful year of studies at the University of Regina.

Then in unity and communion, the group gathered with all the Sisters of the infirmary for a prayerful liturgy which included the ritual commission where the Provincial Superior handed out a card that reminded them of the year’s theme. She then offered them blessings for the year ahead to keep walking forward on the same road to ignite others with the Word of God… This Good News can leave an impact on others to make their lives meaningful and peaceful. Nurtured by God’s word can give a fruitfulness of life. Let the words that you read in the bible penetrate your life to encounter a spiritual relationship with Christ.

‘Indeed, the word of God is living and effective, sharper than any two-edged sword, penetrating even between soul and spirit, joints and marrow and able to discern reflections and thoughts of the heart.’Hebrews 4, 12