This month we celebrate the feast of Mary. Let us pray the Holy Rosary.
“Hail, Mary full of grace, the Lord is with thee, blessed art thou among women and blessed is the fruit of thy own Jesus…..”
During this autumn month, let us remember the importance and the beauty of the Holy Rosary. We invite you to let Mary be your guide and show you how to get closer to her Son, by praying the mysteries of the events of Jesus life as you repeat the Hail Mary and meditate the joyful, luminous, sorrowful and glorious mysteries of the Holy Rosary.
In the Gospel of St.Luke, Mary pondered in her heart the words and events concerning her Son Jesus.
“Mary kept all these things, reflecting on them in her heart.” Luke 2:19.
Mary is our model; let’s welcome the Word in our lives and keep on uniting ourselves to Jesus as we follow him like Mary did.

Mary is our refuge; let us ask her to be present to us during our tribulations, our troubles and our difficult moments. Let us put all our trust in her who desires our good.
‘Our lady is always close to us especially when we feel the weight of life with all its problems.’ Pope Francis,2014
Saint Marie Rivier, the Sisters’ foundress, had a great devotion for Mary; the rosary was very powerful for her. She would put all her trust in Mary and would say:
“I obtained everything from Mary”, which meant the necessities for her community needs.