In 1997, on the feast day of the Presentation, Pope Saint John Paul II instituted a World Day of Prayer for women and men in consecrated life. They are called to dedicate their lives like Jesus did and to reflect the light of Jesus Christ to all peoples.

Pope Francis also said, “During The feast of the Presentation of the Lord in the temple, we all present ourselves to God with purified spirits, so that our eyes might see the light of salvation and we might thus bring it to the entire world, as the Saints did”

To all consecrated persons, I would like to wish them much joy, peace and love in their lives. As you present your lives to God, may you live by the light of Christ and be lights for others. Let us spread the good news, that Jesus is the light of the world.

May God bless you!

This feast day reminds us that the prophets Simeon and Anna, two holy people were in the temple, in Jerusalem, praying. As Mary and Joseph came there to present Jesus to the Lord, Simeon recognizes that Jesus is the ‘Savior of the world’. He then praised God and called Jesus, ‘the light of the world’. He had been waiting for a long time for this special day. It was the Jewish law custom to bring the first born to the Temple to be purified. Let’s trust God and leave this light shine in our hearts. Jesus brings light to our lives. During this jubilee year, let us share this light with others; bring the light of hope to those that don’t have hope, and the light of love to those without love.

Saint Marie Rivier, foundress of the Sisters of the Presentation of Mary, would say, ‘’Learn Jesus well, desire only Jesus Christ, think only of him. Work only for him and for the love of Jesus Christ. To share with Jesus this tender and ardent love that he has for souls to teach children to know and love him from an early age, this is our joy: Jesus Christ. Study Jesus Christ, imitate him in everything.”

To all the Sisters of the Presentation of Mary, place yourselves in the Divine Heart of Jesus. He is our hope. It is only with Him that we find the discernment and the strength to open new pathways. May joy and peace be with you as you carry the fire of God’s love and the knowledge Jesus Christ everywhere!

Happy Feast Day!